Do I Need to Leave the House for Pest Control

Do I Need to Leave the House for Pest Control Treatment

    |     Pest Control Tips   |

Do I need to leave the house for pest control? It is one of the questions customers ask us on a regular basis. Most of the people have this question buzzing in their mind before the pest control. Our Short answer is No, long gone are days where you need to leave the site. Actually we prefer that you don’t!

In the last 10-12 years, there have been many changes in the pest control industry, their methods and products. Now there is no room for toxic and strong chemical pesticides, we replaced it with safe alternatives. We use environment-friendly target based pesticides which are also approved by the Government and various other health and food safety authorities.

At the present time, there are various types of pesticides and pest control methods and pest control companies use them as per the requirements. So if you ask us, do I need to leave the house for pest control? We will say, there is no need to leave your home, We Pest Control Corp Sydney assure you that we use only eco-friendly government-approved pesticides, these pesticides are target-based solutions and don’t have any adverb effect on the environment, pets, human, and non-targeted species.

Pests v/s Pest Control

We would like to mention here that Pests are more harmful than the Pest control solutions, They are the carrier of some of the fatal diseases. They bite, stings and contaminate food items and can make you really sick. They also cause harm to your property and other human concerns. Above all, they keep disturbing your daily life.

On the other hand, during pest control, neither humans nor spray machines cause harm so now the chemicals/ solution always remain in doubt. 5 to 10 years ago when pest control companies didn’t have more options, they had to stick with Strong chemicals, but the story is totally different nowadays. No, we have some very effective organic or eco-friendly chemicals that can eliminate the pests from your area without causing any adverb effect. So there is no point to doubt pesticides or solutions these days.

You just have to make sure that you are hiring an experienced pest control company having proper information about the pest, pesticide, its quantity and process.

Now when the Pesticide/ solution is also safe then decide yourself what is more harmful pest or pest control? We Pest Control Corp are in this business for the last 10+ years and we have well-trained technicians who know the best way to solve pest problems from its root.

Precautions Measurements

If you are still not convinced with our answer then you can follow some of the precautionary measurements.

  • If you are allergic to some types of chemicals then make sure to maintain a safe distance from the direct spray or applied pesticides.
  • If you are having breathing problems or similar health issues then stay away from a particular area where technicians are spraying the chemicals.
  • Wait for it to dry before your pets and children get near the product.
  • Let the pest control technicians clean the area and remove the remains of bugs before your pets and children get into these areas.

Thus the summary here is that if you are ill, having breath and skin-related health problems or You don’t have to leave the house instead of that you can maintain a safe distance from the area where the pesticide has been applied.

Before conducting the treatment we will inform you about all these precautionary measurements along with the process. Now if we talk about children, then as we explained in our previous article that pest control is also safe for the children and babies.  But still, for better safety make sure to keep them away from the specific area, and applied pesticides from at least 15 minutes. Normally, Pest control solutions take around 15 minutes to dry.

Now when you ask do I need to leave the house for pest control? you already know the answer. Pest Control Company is a Sydney based pest control and management company that provides quality and long-lasting services to almost every suburb. Our portfolio of services includes Residential pest control, Strata pest control, commercial and industrial pest control, and pest control at lawn and agriculture areas.

We only use government approved target based pesticides and can also provide perfect solutions through mechanical, organic, and biological methods. We are one of the most reputed pest control companies in Australia and known for providing long-lasting safe pest control at affordable costs. We have all the resources, experienced team, knowledge thus we are completely prepared for making your home 100% bug-free.

Thus Call us now and move toward a pest-free surrounding and you don’t have to leave the house for pest control, It is our guarantee.

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